What does the path of healing require?

Many of us have found ourselves seeking something that feels deeper and more meaningful than what this world offers. As beginners, we can only work with this simple framework,. With most journeys, there is an intended destination or goal; we are seeking something that we feel sure we do not possess and we must venture out to find it.

This however, is only a beginning. More than that it sparks us to act; we are ignited by the possibility of becoming something. What is this something and how will we know when we find it?

Just like a small candle that is lit in a dark cave, we are unfamiliar with the territory at first. This phase of the journey will feel different and unique for each of us, and yet, the journey is recognizable by all those who walk upon it. The early stage can be quite challenging, as it forces us to look more closely at ourselves, how we express and project ourselves into the world. These projections have and always will return to us as “reflections” and are intended to be medicinal in their essence. Unfortunately, we do not recognize this right away. Maybe we have fancied ourselves special, somehow impervious to being wrong, weak, mean, stubborn, greedy, selfish, angry, resentful, passive, etc… The darkness within us is shown to us as the most direct path to becoming conscious of ourselves… self-conscious. We become more aware of the effect we have on people and sometimes that can be very difficult to deal with. We are pushed against the illusions we have bought into and the limitations we have created for ourselves.

We may get held up for a while, expecting that someone or some event or any number of external influences are coming to save us from the parts we do not like. There religious dogmas and cultures who live by this very belief. We don’t have to believe in a higher power or non-visible concept to be running this type of program in our psyche, as it has heavily influenced the way our species has operated for many thousands of years; the program in our bones. It may be accurate to say, that is why so many gravitate towards an external source of power or community to validate and secure some form of spiritual safety. We don’t judge or label; We see things as they are and look for the patterns of behavior throughout history as they express in present reality.

It is enough for now to acknowledge this phase of the healing process. For many it will require years of constant and consistent practice, the development of a spiritual “backbone”, like training in the gym for years, to master a single movement or form. The commitment of the high level athlete is the same effort that is required to move forward on the path into what is unknown. Along the way, as you gain and cultivate stamina- the ability to persevere in the face of great difficulty- the stormy seas will settle and calm more often… but not for long.

Commitment is the fuel of this process, which some have called “Awakening”. Without commitment, there can be no agreement, no accountability and ultimately, no growth. Which is not bad, in the classic sense. The option to ride it out and sign up for a do-over is always an option, next life, same level. In the East, this is known as Samsara, “the Wheel of Suffering”. as with any wheel it goes on and on without end, until the soul who is alive in a human body decides to hold themselves accountable and do the work.

Throughout human history and across all cultures, those who embark upon the path of self-knowledge have been called “initiates”, which most accurately describes what is happening. A beginning, a journey. Initiates will, often unknowingly, magnetize an experienced teacher or mentor into their life. in addition to offering guidance, counsel and instruction, this person’s role is to hold the young seeker accountable to their intended inquiry. The initiate comes with a question and the teacher mindfully trains with the initiate to uncover the real questions, those which are yet unknown by the beginner.

Community can be helpful, so long as the projection of dogma is in balance with the seeker’s sovereignty and supports the growth of the soul, even if that means watching them leave for another teacher or source of Wisdom. A philosophy that does not honor the wisdom of other lineages, is not to be adhered to or engaged with or too long. The initiates growth will stagnate and will be felt by the individual until the cord has been untied.

Those who remain vigilant in their openness to all things, reducing the amount of labels placed on the world of material reality, will find the world opening to them and what seems solid and unchanging will more fluidly shift to match the new vibration and awareness of the spiritual warrior.

What does the path of healing require?

+Constant and Consistent practice



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