Craniosacral Therapist, Mens Embodiment Mentor, Somatic Movement Practices, Qigong Teacher

Craniosacral Practice

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, non-invasive modality that assists the body-mind in unwinding patterns of tension, chronic pain and dysfunction; Opening the whole body to new levels of resourcing, wholeness and ease.

Craniosacral Therapy is a non-invasive modality that brings both practitioner and client into contact with the more subtle realms of the cellular matrix of the body-mind. CST places emphasis on the roll of early embryological development as it relates to patterns of tension in the body; How we grow in the womb has strong implications for how we will develop as a human being. Health issues that concern the nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine and neurological systems of the body, will hold stories that relate back to the earliest stages of development.

Tissue calcification can be viewed simply as the body’s response to trauma of any degree, or repetetive patterns of movement that can entrench the endless possibilities of fluid mobility, into a limited range of options. When the body-mind wants to grow or find new pathways of expression and that desire is met with resistance, we can experience chronic tension, pain and frustration. CST works to bring the body-mind system out of these fixed patterns and into a place of spaciousness and possibility.


Clinical Practice

I received my 700 hour foundation training through Body Intelligence, working under the mentorship of some of the field’s most respected practitioners.

I am registered with Biodynamic Craniosacral Association of North America

CST is about relationship. As a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (rBCST), it is my intention to create an environment of trust, safety and compassion; a space where you will feel held and supported to move through your process at a pace that best serves your most authentic expressions.

Sessions are always fully clothed. There are ample support bolsters and blankets to make sure you feel comfortable and fully supported.



Currently accepting new clients

Men, Women, LGBTQ, Trans and non-Binary as well as Infants and Children are all welcome in our treatment space.

  • 75-90 min Session - $120 (in person or remote)

  • Family Package - $150 (2 hour session for 3 family members, each receives individual treatment in succession).

  • Community Clinic- TBD

New client? Please fill out a “Client Intake Form” by clicking below…